
Friday, March 20, 2015

From Chaos to Order

Spring is officially here.
There is no question.
I even spied some spring cleaning.
Maybe these are final touches.
The south lot has looked a little discombobulated.
It has morphed from chaos to order.
Everything is clearer.
Notice the top of the south lift station in the center of this picture.
Last year it looked like this.
A sidewalk along Second South was poured yesterday.
Our beautiful weather enabled it to cure quickly.  This man accessed it to finish the surface on the driveway to the above ground lot, which was poured this morning.
Another new walkway was also poured.
Forms for another sidewalk are in place.
Some of you have noticed a mysterious object from the construction cam 
I managed to get this picture from the post office lot.  Do I get to vote?  I think it's a drinking fountain.  I asked.  No one knew anything about a drinking fountain. 
I saw a few new things on the north side. 
I peeked under the tent and saw new paint. 
New posts, new trees.
A new base for a statue.
A workman pointed out the base to me, but I think I'll notice when the statue comes.
I admired the progress at the north entrance, which isn't an entrance at all.  It's a fancy emergency exit. 
Geofoam extends from the north planter as part of an orbital walkway.
You don't have to look very hard to see the circle.  It's even easier to see from this 3-D model.
I'm told a lot of work is happening inside the pavilion.
A lot is happening outside, too.
I had a welcome surprise today.
I have been very curious about these stairs to the underground garage.
I hope you don't mind that I took several pictures.
The geofoam hides how much is actually happening.
Forms are being built between the fountain and the temple.
This will be an actual entrance to the temple.
Patrons can enter at ground level, or below from the garage. 
I saw a lot of vertical stuff this morning.
So many things point up.
Our eyes, our feet.  Everything goes up.
Fence posts and lamp posts point upward.
Horizontal, vertical.  It's all inviting. 
I love to see the temple.  I'll go inside someday.
In lieu of going in, I listen to what the workmen say.  One told me the underground annex is really beautiful.
He gently added that he had come to believe that this building was always meant to be a temple.
I can believe that.

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